Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stuff I'm Watching: Doogie Howser, M.D.

Ah Hulu, how I adore thee. In the past few weeks they've posted News Radio, Firefly and now, Doogie Howser, M.D.

Why am I excited about Neil Patrick Harris' introduction to the world? Because Doogie Howser is one of the best examples of how to take a weak concept and execute it really well. Correct that, it's one of the best examples of how to take a HORRRIBLE concept and do it AWESOME.

Seriously, watching it now it's incredible how well it's aged. Tremendously sophisticated writing, cinematography and direction for a show shot 20 years ago now. Even right from the pilot, the show is a tightly scripted, well-balanced and heartwarming show. 

Yes, I said heartwarming, you cynical pieces of frakkin' hipster trash - not everything from the 80's has to be viewed ironically.

Now... oil me.

1 comment:

ROCKY said...

Ooh, I'm so going to check this out.

I loved NPH in Dr. Horrible... :D